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Esagoni misteriosi di Saturno

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7 risposte a questa discussione

#1 coccosteus


    Molecola Inorganica

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Inviato 31 maggio 2007 - 12:54

Immagine inserita

Immagine del polo Sud di Saturno ripresa dalla sonda Cassini - Huygens.

Conoscete questo fenomeno presente su Saturno?
Cosa ne pensate?

#2 Betelges



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Inviato 31 maggio 2007 - 01:20

Ciao Coccosteus, Un bel benvenuto sul forum da parte mia !!!
significativo che il tuo primo post sia in questa nuova sezione!evidentemente l'amministratore ha avuto buon fiuto eheh :-)

saluti a presto

#3 Cougar


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Inviato 31 maggio 2007 - 01:59


#4 coccosteus


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Inviato 01 giugno 2007 - 11:57

Per motivi tecnici non posso accedere a MySpace. Mi faresti una sintesi brevissima? Grazie!

#5 niccosan


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Inviato 01 giugno 2007 - 12:19

Ecco l'articolo:


Bizarre Hexagon Spotted on Saturn
By Staff

posted: 27 March 2007
01:18 pm ET

One of the most bizarre weather patterns known has been photographed at Saturn, where astronomers have spotted a huge, six-sided feature circling the north pole.

Rather than the normally sinuous cloud structures seen on all planets that have atmospheres, this thing is a hexagon.

The honeycomb-like feature has been seen before. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged it more than two decades ago. Now, having spotted it with the Cassini spacecraft, scientists conclude it is a long-lasting oddity.

"This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides," said Kevin Baines, atmospheric expert and member of Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. "We've never seen anything like this on any other planet. Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere, where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate, is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is."

The hexagon is nearly 15,000 miles (25,000 kilometers) across. Nearly four Earths could fit inside it. The thermal imagery shows the hexagon extends about 60 miles (100 kilometers) down into the clouds.

At Saturn's south pole, Cassini recently spotted a freaky human eye-like feature that resembles a hurricane.

"It's amazing to see such striking differences on opposite ends of Saturn's poles," said Bob Brown, team leader of the Cassini visual and infrared mapping spectrometer at the University of Arizona. "At the south pole we have what appears to be a hurricane with a giant eye, and at the north pole of Saturn we have this geometric feature, which is completely different."

The hexagon appears to have remained fixed with Saturn's rotation rate and axis since first glimpsed by Voyager 26 years ago. The actual rotation rate of Saturn is still uncertain, which means nobody knows exactly how long the planet's day is.

"Once we understand its dynamical nature, this long-lived, deep-seated polar hexagon may give us a clue to the true rotation rate of the deep atmosphere and perhaps the interior," Baines said.

    * Video: The Hexagon on Saturn
    * Wildest Weather in the Galaxy
    * Earth's Weirdest Weather

Ciao  ;D

#6 coccosteus


    Molecola Inorganica

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Inviato 01 giugno 2007 - 12:57

Grazie! Che ne pensi?

#7 niccosan


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Inviato 01 giugno 2007 - 02:34

Su saturno è risaputo i venti hanno
velocita di centinaia di chilometri all'ora

suppongio che sia sia creato
quel fenomeno di rallentamento
di una corrente d'aria

come succede qui sulla nostra Terra
con le correnti a getto

quando una corrente d'aria a getto rallenta
le masse d'aria sulla supericie del pianeta
spinte da effetto coriolis
prendono forma come di un serpente
sinusoide e alcune volte
sembra che disegna un esagono

quindi un bellissimo
effetto delle correnti
veloci dei gas di saturno
il cuol è fotografarle  ;)

#8 coccosteus


    Molecola Inorganica

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Inviato 06 giugno 2007 - 12:00

Penso anche io che sia così. Ma la regolarità delle forme geometriche è impressionante.

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